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Automating System Deployment and Management with Configuration Management (2047)
Technical, Architecture and Integration
Educatsional Expertise
Focus: Banner 8 Technical
Program Code: 2047
Krysten Stevens, Senior Database Administrator, Purdue University
Corey Seliger, System Administrator, Purdue University
As a part of their 2011 Infrastructure Replacement project, Purdue University wanted to greatly improve the way systems were provisioned and maintained. Previously, configuring a machine was a completely manual process which ultimately led to the unique snowflake problem. No one server was like the other, regardless of the steps put into place to make them alike. There are many tools available to help maintain system configurations and assist in provisioning like systems. Purdue wanted to find and implement software to solve two different yet related problems. The first problem is the initial configuration of a machine. How could Purdue use a stock, baseline Linux VM and convert it into an Banner Application server or a Database server? The second problem is ensuring systems have known configurations at all times. What could be done to keep the configuration on the machine in line with a centrally specified configuration? This presentation outlines the search for the tools used and elaborates on how Purdue leveraged these tools to begin rapidly provisioning new systems, immediately assigning them roles without system administrator intervention and then furthermore keeping them in sync with their configuration master.