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The Many Facets of Disbursement and Tracking of Student Aid Dollars (1652)
This presentation will use the Banner Student Aid (BSA) product to demonstrate the different options for disbursing awards (scholarships, bursaries, loans, any other type of disbursable awards) in real time at your institution.
It will cover topics such as:
- Overview of the BSA product
- Disbursing awards in real time via A/R (accounts receivable)
- Disbursing awards in real time via A/P (accounts payable)
- Disbursing awards in real time with a mix (A/R and A/P)
- Memos
- Disbursement schedules:
Generic to be used in a given aid year and aid period; Per specific award in a given aid year and aid period; Dynamic schedule
- Pre-disbursement schedule
- Disbursement based on population: Individual processing; Batch processing
- Reporting: Typical inquiries made by a student aid administrator such as finding how much money remains; how much has been disbursed; how much has been offered; etc.
Typical inquiries made by a student aid applicant. These will be addressed using the BSA Self-service component.
- Required configuration for supporting this functionality
- And more.