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No More Fear and Loathing: Embrace CAPP XML Output Today! (1063)
Student Services
Educatsional Expertise
Focus: Banner Student
Program Code: 1063
James Douglas, Director of Enrollment Research and Systems, Duquesne University
Monika Schwartz, Associate Registrar, Duquesne University
Are you still using HTML or have you gone to XML but haven't made any changes to the Banner-delivered stylesheet? By sharing our experience we hope to address any fears you may have about using the XML output. Duquesne University, currently on Student 8.5, has been engaged in a phased-in implementation of CAPP since Fall 2010. Because we were concerned that the delivered SSB compliance report was confusing to our students, we embraced the opportunity to take advantage of XML processing and design our own. We found that even simple changes produced dramatic results and improved readability. In this session, we will hopefully demystify the concepts of XML and XSLT, give you instructions for working with and testing the stylesheet, and provide samples of the code that we used for our Self-Service output. This session will be beneficial to users with web development experience who want to jumpstart their learning of how to work with the CAPP stylesheet as well as non-technical users who want to gain a basic understanding of the XML output process and share the information with their technical teams.