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Portrait of a Career Services Non-User: Who are they and How Do They Impact Accountability?
Program Code:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
Brett Boettcher
There are countless studies and conference presentations examining and attempting to understand undergraduates who use career services. What do we know about those students who choose NOT to use career services? Based on the results of a recently completed doctoral dissertation, this presentation establishes a profile of non-users, specifically their learning outcomes resulting from college attendance and seeking career assistance, who they seek for career assistance, how often they seek these individuals, why they don't use career services, and how they compare to users. Learn about the results of this study and how non-users impact accountability for career services, specifically reaching and meeting the needs of more students, forging collaborative partnerships with faculty and parents, and potentially making service adjustments to please a changing student body.