WOW! Classroom Indicators of Giftedness, August 26th 2009
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WOW! Classroom Indicators of Giftedness
Program Code:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Nancy Green, CAE, National Association for Gifted Children
Dr. Mary Slade is a Professor in the Department of Exceptional Education at the College of Education at James Madison University. Mary received her B.S. in Elementary Education with an emphasis in secondary English from Longwood College, and her Masters and Doctorate from the University of Virginia. Mary directs the gifted education coursework and the Pre-K-12 Add-On Gifted Education Endorsement Program at JMU, including the online coursework in this area. Dr. Slade is a member of the JMU chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Most recently Mary has led five groups of faculty and students around the east coast to conduct disaster relief work.
Mary has taught in higher education since 1990; teaching in teacher education, special education, and gifted education. Previously she taught in elementary, middle, and high schools as a fourth-grade, gifted education, and English teacher. Dr. Slade is an out-going member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Children, and won the Early Leader Award from that organization in 1997. Over the past 15 years Mary has presented over 200 inservice sessions to educators in pre-K-12 education, as well as more than 175 professional papers. Mary has published widely including more than 40 articles, book chapters, and reports as well as three books. Mary is co-author of a staff development book in gifted education and co-editor of Aiming for Excellence: The NAGC Pre-K-12 Gifted Program Standards both published collaboratively by Prufrock Press and NAGC. Mary is author of a book on consultation and gifted education published by Creative Learning Press.
Dr. Slade’s current scholarship includes professional development, advanced studies, differentiation, consultation and collaboration, and web-based distribution of personnel preparation. Mary consults with individual schools and districts in the areas of consultation and collaboration in gifted education, differentiation, and online learning.
All aspects of gifted programming must emanate from students’ unique educational needs. Gifted and talented learners are different from their same-age peers because of advanced cognitive, psychosocial, and physiological development. These developmental differences, as well as a host of outside influences, are expressed through a range of student behaviors and other indicators. How do teachers recognize the behaviors? How do they know what is necessary and appropriate in order to differentiate curriculum, instruction, and assessment? This session discusses characteristics, traits, related needs, and the impact of the environment on the expression of giftedness.