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What Response Rates Won't Tell You (and You Really Need to Know)
Program Code:
Monday, October 16, 2006
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
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Chuck McLeester, Senior Vice President at Roska Direct Advertising, is responsible for strategic planning and analysis for all agency clients. He has created business-building programs, measurement tools and ROI models for Procter & Gamble, Pfizer, The Iams Company, Johnson & Johnson, and others. He’s a frequent speaker at the Direct Marketing Association, the Direct Marketing Education Foundation, and other national organizations. He currently teaches Advertising Research at Temple University where he taught Marketing Commuications for five years in the MBA program. He’s been a guest lecturer at various universities including The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and the MBA Program at St. Joseph’s University Haub School of Business. He spent the early part of his career on the client side honing his direct marketing skills. He’s been on the agency side for 18+ years applying direct marketing principles to a variety of product categories and helping to define the new metrics for marketing success.
Direct marketers can be their own worst enemy. Even though they're integrating branding into their advertising, they're still caught in a response rate trap that prevents them from measuring the total effect that their advertising has on the target audience. As we move toward the fusion of brand and direct marketing, CPL, LTV, and other traditional metrics have become shackles that prevent us from uncovering the hidden value in our advertising. This session explores tools and techniques to measure direct advertising's effects on sales from non-responders, brand awareness in specific target audiences, and prospect engagement. You'll also see a real-life, anonymous example of how response data actually hid the segments that produced the best ROI..
- Measuring the benefits that go beyond immediate response .
- Combining research and sales data with response measures to get the full picture.
- Designing and executing measurements that benchmark your results