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Preventive Maintenance: a B2B Marketer's Guide to Managing One's Customer File
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Larry Marmon has expertise in finance, business development, strategy, marketing and process improvement. His career has centered on restructuring underperforming companies and improving both top- and bottom-line results. Larry brings these high-level skills to bear for LENSER clients through process improvement and intelligent marketing strategies that translate directly into breakthrough profitability.
Managing one's B-to-B customer database is an important, but complex, task. Sure, individuals place orders - but that's really where the comparisons to B-to-C customer relationship management end. B-to-B customer accounts need to accommodate information at multiple levels: the individual contact, the site or building, and, occasionally, even the institution. In this intensive session designed specifically for database marketing managers at B-to-B and hybrid multichannel firms, we will offer concrete advice regarding preferred customer account architecture and maintenance, as well as real-life applications of our recommendations.
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