Session Information
NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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NAGC's Programming Standards: A Guiding Light to Educational Excellence for Gifted Students in Georgia
Track : Conceptual Foundations
Program Code: 920
Date: Friday, November 4, 2011
Time: 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM  EST
Room: Grand Salon Section: 15
Gyimah Whitaker, Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Services, Atlanta Public Schools
Celita Allen, Instructional Administrator, Hall County Schools/ Davis Middle School
Gyimah Whitaker, Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Services, Atlanta Public Schools
Celita Allen, Instructional Administrator, Hall County Schools/ Davis Middle School
The NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards provide a bright beacon for guiding schools to the harbor of educational excellence. Although we all set our compasses toward this goal, each state is coming from a different point. This presentation maps Georgia’s voyage of using the NAGC standards to aid districts in achieving high quality programming for gifted students across the state. The presenters represent a group of state and district leaders, administrators, and teachers who have worked collaboratively to adapt the national standards to align with the language and political environment currently pervasive in Georgia.

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