Session Information
NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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Science in Action: Gifted Education and Service-Learning Share Success in Middle School
Track : Middle Grades
Program Code: 870
Date: Friday, November 4, 2011
Time: 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM  EST
Room: Grand Salon Section: 15
April Coleman, Ph.D. Student and Graduate Assistant, University of Alabama
April Coleman, Ph.D. Student and Graduate Assistant, University of Alabama
Jane Newman, Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
Jane Newman, Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
Instead of just reading about water contamination in their textbooks, middle school students are studying their county’s water purity and its relationship to a high cancer rate! Check out the exciting use by 850 students of a $100,000 greenhouse, which originated from selling popcorn at basketball games. Who would think that middle schoolers would have the energy to rise early and accompany parents to exercise before school as part of a nutrition/obesity study in science? Learn the positive impacts and how to implement a variety of service-learning projects sponsored by a STEM grant based on GT pedagogy.

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