Session Information
NAGC 57th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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Computer-Assisted Interactive Instruction: The Next Generation of Professional Development
Track : Computers and Technology
Date: Friday, November 12, 2010
Time: 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM  EST
Room: C304
Bertie Kingore, Author/Consultant, Profession Associates Publishing
Susie Morrison, Deputy Superintendent/Chief of Staff, Illinois State Board of Education
Jane Quinlan, Regional Superintendent of Schools, Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education #9
Joy Russell, Associate Professor, Department Chair, Eastern Illinois University
Diane Beedy, Director of Professional Development and School Improvement, Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education #39
As funding declines, gifted students spend more time in regular education classrooms and resources for professional development are limited, creating a need for quality gifted training to large numbers of classroom teachers. The Gifted Education Seminar provides 45 hours of training statewide to enable regular education teachers to identify and differentiate for gifted students. Session attendees view a demonstration of this computer-assisted interactive training delivered via a USB drive. Participants learn the process of developing and implementing this training with multiple delivery options (face to face, interactive activity and self-directed) and how to develop similar training in their own setting.

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