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Are you capturing assessment results that provide information to make informed decisions about curricula and courses? Institutions of higher education across the country, and internationally, have recognized that a full commitment to teaching and learning must include assessing and documenting what and how much students are learning and using this information to improve the education experiences being offered. Outcomes assessment is now a requirement for accreditation by all higher education accrediting organizations. By articulating the main goals for a course and checking to see whether students achieved the goals courses can be improved and learning enhanced.
Western Washington University has developed an outcome assessment tracking system that uses custom and existing Banner tables to track outcome assessments at the student and course level. This approach integrates Banner data to provide demographic and course reports using a data warehouse. Future goals include the integration of a test bank with assessment results. This system was given a "Commendation" by the Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities. They stated, "WWU's Western Assessment Data Management System is a robust tool for linking articulated course assessments to student performance."
Please note: This presentation is not about fee assessment.