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Finance Approvals Made Efficient (FAME) (5068)
Program Code: 5068
Jeffrey O'Keefe, Mgr, Business Affairs Technical Services, University of New Mexico - IT: Applications
The University of New Mexico began using Banner Finance in July 2004. In the beginning, most finance documents required single-department approval prior to validation and approval by central administrative "core" offices. However, over time, more cross-department collaboration has required an increase in multi-department approvals. Out of the box, Finance Approvals was designed for only a single level of approval with one additional, optional approval routed to regardless of criteria. UNM required this "next queue" functionality to manage the approval routing from departments to their appropriate core office for approval; however, this limitation has resulted in the thousands of queue definitions required at UNM. Furthermore, due to Banner's default routing functionality, core office approvals were often occurring prior to the gathering of all departmental approvals when multi-department approvals were required. These issues have resulted in ever increasing inefficiencies related to financial approvals. As a result, a new initiative at UNM was embarked upon to expand and improve the functionality of Finance approvals without modifying Banner baseline objects. This presentation will describe the rationale causing the current volume of approval queues at UNM and the solution implemented to make the management of and approvals within Finance approvals more efficient at UNM.