Session Information
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Matching Gifts - Topics and Trends (4915)
Track: Advancement
Program Code: 4915
Amy Phillips, Director of Gift Accounting, Tulane University
This session on matching gifts will cover many of the basics for both starting and improving a matching gifts program. Part of the session will be devoted to reviewing feedback from a comprehensive survey on matching gift programs has been hosted through the site for the past 5 years. We'll take a look at some of the common strategies in addition to touching on a tactic which has gained greater appeal in recent years – matching challenge grants. This session will enable discussion from overarching trends to nitty-gritty basic details of what people report as working (or not!) in their own matching program endeavors. Any sample solicitation or stewardship materials used to improve matching gifts revenue at your organization which you would like to share are welcome!

No items are available for this session.