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Institutional Research Trends in Higher Education (4672)
Track: Technology & Planning Services
Program Code: 4672
Dona Alpert, Senior Research Consultant, SunGard Higher Education
Over the past few years, economic developments and accountability mandates have had a significant impact on higher education. Near future (three-year) forecasts indicate that these external forces will continue to influence college/university student enrollment as well as fiscal and personnel resources. Starting with a definition of institutional research in higher education, this presentation will bring together institutional research, enrollment (registrar, admissions and outreach), financial aid, and human resource professionals to discuss current and near future research issues impacting each of the focus areas. To be highlighted are enrollment forecasting and management; mandated state and federal reporting; student recruitment. Differences between types of institutions (e.g., private vs. public; research I vs. community college) will be addressed.

Audio Synchronized to PowerPoint
(Code: 4672)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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