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Using the Flexibility of CAPP XML to Enhance Student Service (4469)
Track: Student Services
Program Code: 4469
Cassandra Lachica, Associate Director, The University of Texas at El Paso
Juan Vicario, Associate Director, The University of Texas at El Paso
Amanda Vasquez, Curriculum and Academic Reports Coordinator, The University of Texas at El Paso
This session displays the enhanced functionality of CAPP XML. The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) presents various CAPP XML degree plans that meet the needs of various colleges, and which appeal to different student populations. CAPP XML has helped UTEP to meet diverse requests from our eight colleges, while providing a common outcome – clear degree plans that improve advising and shorten time-to-degree.

Our session covers both functional and technical perspectives, including a wide range of requests that motivated us to explore the flexibility and enhancements of XML. Discussions will include a thorough overview of the implementation process from driving factors to future enhancements.

This session will be beneficial for academic affairs representatives looking for ways to improve student advising and other student services. Additionally, technical staff members will benefit from a more extensive discussion of tailoring the XSL file. Direct examples will be given on having multiple style sheets, shading table rows, displaying rule descriptions and listing area GPAs.

Audio Synchronized to PowerPoint
(Code: 4469)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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Handout Online
(Code: 4469)
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