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Programs, Degrees, and Majors - Oh My! (4330)
Track: Student Services
Program Code: 4330
Kenneth Foshee, Associate University Registrar for SIS, The University of Alabama
Louis Jimenez, Associate University Registrar, University of Alabama
Staying on the right road to manage curriculum data and rules can be a challenge. We all need to add new majors, minors, and concentrations, while inactivating old codes. We need to maintain data integrity, but have demands for flexibility with multiple programs and field of study records, such as second and third majors, so that degree audits are accurate. This session will explore some of the issues faced at The University of Alabama in maintaining curriculum rules. We will examine:
(1) basic maintenance of program codes and curriculum rules,
(2) taking the leap to remove "Curriculum Checking" to allow flexibility with General Student field of study records,
(3) expanding the number of programs and majors beyond the pre-Concurrent Curriculum constraints,
(4) a workflow system for processing changes with a program of study, and
(5) reports that help monitor program and curriculum rules and student data to ensure that by being flexible with field of study data we still maintain overall program data of college, degree and major combinations.

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(Code: 4330)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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(Code: 4330)
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