Session Information
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Database Extension Utility (BOF) (3908)
Track: Portal, Communication, Process & Information Management
Program Code: 3908
Peter Andrusyszyn, DBA, SUNY SICAS Center
Tadi Kumar, Database Coordinator, University of Illinois
Database Extension Utility is a part of a larger project, Banner Evolution which has two goals: provide Banner with a new look and feel and provide better out of the box support for Multi-Entity Processing. Database Extension Utility is the linchpin of Evolution in that it provides the database changes to support both goals. In using this approach, clients will only need to do one database update and clients will also be able to update their databases prior to installing the subsequent releases. This should help clients avoid one large installation which can be very disruptive.

This session will highlight client Development Partners who worked with SunGard Higher Education on this enhancement. Come hear their experiences as a development Partner, ask questions about the utility, and hear from other campuses who have installed the utility. Learn tips and tricks to make the upgrade process go smoothly on your campus.

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