Session Information
SOA - Health Spring Meeting 2007
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Matching a New Product to Market
Track : Sessions
Program Code: 061
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2007
Time: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM  
John C. Lloyd, FSA, MAAA
John C. Lloyd, FSA, MAAA
Kismet Toksu, Senior Consultant, Reden & Anders, McLean, VA
This session will focus on the processes involved in determining an appropriate market for a new product.
A case study will be presented covering the development of a recent consumer-driven product. Actuaries
will be able to learn from the experiences of other actuaries in the process of finding an appropriate
market for a new product.
Any actuary who is involved or expects to be involved in the future in the development of new health
products should take part in this session. As a result of the session, you'll have a broader knowledge of
the challenges in marketing new products with specific examples from an actual product development

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