Session Information
SOA - Health Spring Meeting 2007
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Knowing Your Exposures -- Scenario Planning to Manage Enterprise Risks
Track : Sessions
Program Code: 037
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM  
Location: MADRONA
Kara L. Clark, FSA, MAAA
Mark J. Jamilkowski, FSA, MAAA
Sudha Shenoy, FSA, MAAA
Specific product line analysis often creates scenarios to stress specific risks. A comprehensive set of
scenarios that are consistent throughout the firm will provide information about offsetting risks. This helps
management develop tactical and strategic plans to mitigate, avoid or exploit certain risks. Presenters will
share examples where combining several risks within one legal structure can provide a "free lunch"
through diversification.
You'll be exposed to tools that will enhance your firm's risk management capabilities in ways your board
and external stakeholders will find useful. Previous experience with the topic is not required.

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