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Managing Multiple Report Requirements
Program Code:
Friday, May 11, 2007
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Jason A. Morton, FSA, MAAA
Karen J. DeToro, FSA, MAAA
Michael A. Hughes, FSA, MAAA
Besides statutory, GAAP and tax financial reporting requirements, some insurance companies might soon
be required to report on IFRS basis as well as embedded value basis. These multiple reporting systems
require actuaries to spend more and more time on producing the valuation results rather than reviewing
the reasonableness of the results and their implications.
In this session, you'll learn how actuaries might utilize the synergies among various reporting systems to
reduce the runtime for these reporting requirements while maintaining an adequate control environment. In
particular, the panel will explore issues related to consistency of valuation assumptions, economic
scenarios and data warehousing techniques.