Session Information
SOA - Product Development Symposium
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Tax Update
Track : Concurrent Session 1
Program Code: 1a
Date: Monday, May 5, 2008
Time: 10:30 AM to 10:45 AM  EST
Location: Salon A
Brian King, FSA, MAAA, Vice President and Consulting Actuary, Aon Consulting
Daniel Stringham, Vice President, Tax Prudential Financial
Taxation isn't always a focus for the product development actuary. However, with 2001 CSO becoming the prevailing mortality table for purposes tax valuation in 2008 and principle based reserving around the corner thereafter; companies have plenty on their tax plate. Additionally the policyholder tax situation continues to change as well.

In this session, participants will learn about the latest on these and other tax issues that affect product development and the end consumer of those products.

Targeted Value Ladder Stage: Task/Technical

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