New User Profile Creation and Login

    To create an account, click "Login/Create Account" then "Create Account" and fill in the mandatory fields. Now that your profile has been created, you will be able to log in directly from this area, however in future; you would simply use your existing user login.


    Your login and password might be different for the Live Learning Center than the login you would normally use for your Association's website.

    If you forget your username & password, please click on the "Forget Password" link & you will be emailed your password. If continue to have issues, please email Customer Support from the Contact Us page.

    If you are copying and pasting the username/password from an email you received, please make sure they are no spaces when you paste into the fields.

    If your username and password is not being accepted, you may need to delete your cookies and try again. Webpage not Loading or Error 500: Please close browser and try in a new browser

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Webpage not Loading or Error 500

    Please close browser and try in a new browser

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Shopping Cart

    A simple way to shop for a desired product is by using the "Event List" section or by clicking on the shopping cart icon or "Add to Cart" button below the product you would like to purchase. Click on the event name and you will be taken to a list of all the available sessions for purchase. You can use the "sort by" drop down menu to narrow your search by conference name, session name, or date. Some conferences will let you purchase individual sessions and some may only have the full conference recordings available for purchasing.

    To purchase content, click the shopping cart icon or "Add to Cart" button to add the item to your shopping cart. If the item has a "Buy Now" button then click the "Buy Now" button to get all the options/formats that is available for that product. You can then click the icon left of the title to add the item to our shopping cart.

    Once the item has been added to the shopping cart, you will see a green bar at the bottom of your screen that will give you the option to checkout or keep browsing. If you select checkout, you will be taken to the "Order Details" page.

    Your "order details" will appear at the top of this page. This section also contains the unit price for the recordings as well as the subtotal of your order.

    Below the "order details" are the "billing details". Select your account in the drop down menu to the right of the tab. Your mailing billing address will be filled in automatically with the information you submitted during the account creation step.

    Below the "billing details" are the "shipping options". You will only need to fill out this section if you have purchased a hard media such as CD's or DVD's of the conference sessions and it is being shipped to you.

    Below the "shipping options" tab is the "promotion code" section. This is where you can use any promotional codes that have been provided to you. The discount will automatically be applied to the purchase price.

    Below the "promotion code" section is where you will find a brief summary of your order in the "order summary" section including applicable shipping and taxes. Click on "Review Order" to obtain an in depth overview or summary of your order. Here you can verify that all your account information, billing address and content purchased is correct. If you want to edit your order click on "edit my order" and if you are satisfied with the order enter your credit card information in the "payment details" section and click on "process order" to finalize your transaction. You will receive a confirmation that your order has been processed, as well as an e-mail confirmation for your records.

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Accessing your purchased content

    You have immediate access to the content upon making the purchase

    You can access all your purchased multimedia content by clicking on "My Content". The "My Content" link is located in one of the following places:

    - On the left navigation menu of the site

    - In the "My Account" menu in the top navigation menu or in the top navigation menu

    The "My Content" area is where you can view and download all of your purchased content from current as well as past conferences.

    In the "My Content" area , there will be multiple tabs at the top of the screen such as "My Media", "My Downloads"/"My MP3's/Handouts", etc.

    The "My Media" tab will host all "Audio synchronize to Powerpoint" and "Video" content. The "My Downloads" tab will host the mp3, mp4 and PDF files that are available for downloading/saving. If you do not see anything in the "My Downloads" tab then it means that the content is not available for downloading/saving.

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View/Downloading Your Content

    To play the content, you will click the icons under the "Watch now". Do not click on the title of the session as that will play the content in preview mode. (only 5 mins of the session).

    To move forward or backwards in the presentation you can click the forward or reverse buttons or click anywhere on the progress bar and the presentation will jump to that section.

Cannot View Content

    Our players are compatible with most browsers. If the player does not play will you are probable missing a Flash or Quicktime plugin. You can update the Flash and Quicktime plugins at the following sites:



    You can also check if you system is compatible with the Learning Center by clicking the Contact Us tab and the site it will automatically check if your system is compatible.

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Downloading Content

    Presentations (Mp4's where available) ,Audio Mp3's & Handouts (PDF's) can be downloaded from our Live Learning Centers by the following method.

    Once logged in, click "My Content" then click on the tab titled "My Downloads". There you can open or download the speaker PowerPoints in PDF format, MP3 audio files & MP4 Video files (where available)

    You would select the files you want to download (by clicking the check boxes) then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the "download" button.

    You can then save them to the location of your choice on your computer.

    Please note- the "Select All" function will only work on PDF's. It will not work on MP3's and MP4's due to the large file sizes.

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Moving Files to Portable Devices

    Our Learning Centers are viewable on most portable devices with an internet connection such as smartphones, tablets, etc. If the device does not have an internet connection, some of the content can be saved and moved to the portable devices for offline listening and viewing. The audio portion (mp3's) of most presentations can be downloaded and moved to portable devices. Handouts (PDF's) can also be saved and moved to portable devices.

    Apple devices such as iPods, iPhones & iPads will required you use iTunes to transfer the files to the portable device.

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Creating Audio CD's from the Learning Center

    The audio portion of the presentations can be downloaded and transferred to audio CD's or MP3 CD's for offline listening. You will require a CD Burning program installed on your computer to burn the files on to CD's.

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Opening DVD files on Mac

  • Insert Disc in Drive
  • On the desktop , there will be a disc icon
  • Click on the icon
  • You will see 4 files
  • Click on the index.htm file to launch content
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Content not Available

    Most content takes approx. 3-6 weeks after the event finishes appear in your account.
    You will also receive an email with your login information and instructions how to access the content.

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Deleting Cookies

Safari: (MAC)

    Safari - How to clear passwords in Safari

  1. Open Safari
  2. Choose Preferences from the Safari menu
  3. Click on Autofill
  4. Uncheck the box next to "User names and passwords"
  5. Close the Autofill window

Live Webcasts

    Our Live Webcasts are compatible on most systems and portable devices.

    If you are unable to view a live webcast, the following are usually the causes:

    - High Firewall/Security settings on your network

    - An outdated or missing Adobe Flash plugin, you can update the plugin at the following site:

    Our webcasts normally have test audio and video approx. 30 minutes before each webcast. We recommend that you test your system at least 15-30 minutes prior to the webcast.

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Taking Screenshots

Links not Working or Data not Saving

    This is a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer

    To Resolve:

    Click the following icon in your browser and the link should work or the data should save.

    You can also try it in Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari if you continue to have issues.

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How to Disable Pop-up Blocker

    To disable popup blockers please follow the steps from the following link.

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