Sheue-yann Cheng is the Chief of Gene Regulation Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California San Francisco Medical Center and postdoctoral training from the University of Chicago and National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive Diseases and Kidney. Her work focuses on creating mouse models to understand thyroid hormone action and to elucidate the molecular basis of several human diseases, such as follicular thyroid carcinoma, resistance to thyroid hormone, pituitary tumors, and dwarfism. These mouse models provide a platform for translation of basic research to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. For her work, she received many awards including the prestigious Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Lectureship Award of ATA, the Pitt-Rivers Lectureship Award of The British Thyroid Association, the Charles Harkin Award of National Cancer Institute, the Merit Award of the National Institutes of Health, and the Abbott Thyroid Research Clinical Fellowship Mentor Award of the Endocrine Society. She was a Director of the Executive Council of the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and represented ATA as a member of the Program Committee for the 13th International Thyroid Congress. She served as an advisor for women scientists at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute. She is an Associate Editor of Thyroid and an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Cancer Research. She serves on the Editorial Board of Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrinology, and Endocrine Research, American Journal of Cancer Research, and Journal of Thyroid Research. She holds patents and has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals.