Wylie C Hembree, MD is an Associate Attending at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia
University Medical in New York City, a Special Lecturer at Columbia University, Department of Medicine, Endocrine Division of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr. Hembree earned a degree in Philosophy from Vanderbilt University, in Medicine from Washington University School of Medicine, was an Intern and Resident on the Harvard Service of the Boston City Hospital, a Clinical Associate in the Endocrine Branch of NCI at NIH, a Resident at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and a member of the Departments of Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology from 1971-2007. He is now also in part time private practice in New York City.
Dr. Hembree's interests in research and teaching include tritium labeling of pep tides and proteins
(Brookhaven National Laboratory), clinical and endocrine effects of chronic marihuana use, endocrine
causes and treatment of hirsutism, sperm metabolism and male infertility, bone disorders in men, effects of Vitamin A deficiency upon sperm production, ethics and values in health care, health care of health sciences students and treatment of transsexual persons. He has published approximately 100 articles, reviews, chapters, clinical guidelines and educational presentations on these topics. He is a charter member of the American Society of Andrology and a member of the Endocrine Society.