ENDO 2010 Annual Meeting - Includes 5 Complimentary Sessions
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CLINICAL - Insulin Management of Diabetes
Program Code:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
8:30 AM to 9:15 AM
Mary T. Korytkowski,
Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Disclosure: Consultant, Lilly USA, LLC; Grant Review Panel, Pfizer, Inc.
Dr. Korytkowski is a Professor in the School of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, at the University of Pittsburgh. She served as a member of the Professional Practice Committee for the American Diabetes Association from 2006-2008 and continues to serve as a member of the Clinical Guidelines Committee for the Endocrine Society. Dr. Korytkowski has been involved in several ongoing large clinical outcomes trials for patients with type 2 diabetes, including the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation in type 2 diabetes (BARI 2D) and the Look AHEAD Study. Her clinical and research interests include an investigation of methods for achieving glycemic control in the hospital. Dr. Korytkowski is the author of several peer reviewed publications and reviews.
John (Jack) L. Leahy, MD, Univ of Vermont Coll of Med, Burlington, VT
Disclosure: Medical Advisory Board Member, Merck & Co., Novo Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis; Speaker, Merck & Co., Sanofi-Aventi; Consultant, Sanofi-Aventis.