C Abraira, MD, Miami VA Med Ctr. Disclosure: Speaker, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Takeda
Dr. Carlos Abraira is Professor of Medicine at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine since 2001. He is also National Co-Chairman of the VA Diabetes Trial since 1999 and the VADT Follow-Up Observational Study, approved until 2012 and renewable up to 2017. Previously has been a Professor of Medicine at Loyola University of Chicago Medical School from 1986-2001. He was Chief of the Endocrinology Section of Hines VA Hospital, Hines, Illinois, from 1972 to 1999, was President of the American Diabetes Association, Illinois Affiliate from 1989-91, and is an honorary member of the Board of Directors since 1993 (lifetime). He has been the 43rd Memorial Woodyard lecturer, jointly sponsored by Northwestern University and American Diabetes Association. He has participated and continues to participate in many national and international meetings as a speaker or invited lecturer. He has been repeatedly a member of NIDDK and NIH Heart & Lung Institute study groups, as well as the CDC. He has 114 peer-reviewed publications, and he has currently submitted several scientific papers.