2008 Annual World EAP Conference
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EAP Best Practices in Co-occuring Disorders: Increasing Positive Client Outcomes
Domain III
Program Code:
Friday, October 17, 2008
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Grand Salon C
Bernie McCann, EAP Consultant & Researcher, Brandeis University
When assessing individuals with co-occuring disorders, Employee Assistance professionals face the daunting tasks of distinguishing between often interrelated symptoms to arrive at the proper referral to an appropriate provider or facility for treatment, and effective case management and care coordination to ensure a positive outcome. This presentation will illustrate the key skill sets for EA professionals involved in effectively addressing co-occurring disorders in the EAP setting. Content will include the current evidence base regarding the unique nuances of these complex cases; examples of evidence-based screening and assessment tools for EA settings, and EA best practice approaches to maximizing positive client outcomes.
• describe the current prevalence of co-occuring substance abuse and mental health disorders
• utilize evidence-based screening methods and assessment tools in the assessment of co-occuring disorders in the EAP setting.
• identify best practices for EAPs to appropriately asses and refer clients with co-occuring disorders along with enhanced case management has the potential to increase positive outcomes.
No items are available for this session.