2008 Annual World EAP Conference
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Building the Case for Workplace Resilience: From Science to Practice
Domain II, III
Program Code:
Saturday, October 18, 2008
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM
Grand Salon C
Alan Langlieb, Director, Workplace Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University
Workplace violence and stress, corporate downsizing, and disasters have been recognized as contributors to decreased productivity. The result has been an enhanced appreciation for not only disaster mental health services, but the importance of a functional and comprehensive continuum of care model. Recent publications have begun to highlight the need for a resiliency construct as one aspect of that comprehensive model. This presentation will review one integrative continuum of care developed at Johns Hopkins and introduce a method for quantitatively expressing the resiliency factor within that model. The panelists will demonstrate how resiliency may be utilized in evidence-based EA practice.
• discuss how current methodology can be used to demonstrate a quantitative expression of resiliency;
• interpret results of four previous studies relevant to the investigation of resiliency;
• describe the role of Resiliency training as part of a comprehensive workplace continuum of care model.
No items are available for this session.