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Team-Resilience for Young Restaurant Workers: A Research-to-Practice EAP Model
Program Code:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Isabel Alfonsin
Joel Bennett, President, Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems
Jennifer Pilierio
Young restaurant workers represent an under-served group for EA services given high risk for substance abuse and depression. This panel reviews a scientific approach to young workers that promotes a telephonic and web-based EA service in the context of a prevention program. Team Resilience (TR) is a modular program that can be adapted to different settings and uses an evidence-based strategy recognized by the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs. Panelists represent three perspectives. Joel Bennett will present research. Isabel Alfonsin will discuss how EA professionals engage this population. Jennifer Piliero will reviews considerations involved in bringing research-to-practice given business model parameters.
• list the core developmental challenges of emerging adults and how EA professionals may be able to serve this population;
• identify five characteristics of resilience and how restaurant work and EA professionals can help young workers strengthen these characteristics;
• Identify methods in one's own EA practice for expanding the service model to reach young adults in high-risk occupations.
No items are available for this session.