Session Information
2008 Annual World EAP Conference
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Reintegrating America's Wounded Warriors into the Workplace
Track : Domain III
Program Code: 040
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time: 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM  EST
Location: Grand Salon C
Jose E. Coll
Catherine M. Harrell
R. Paul Maiden, Vice Dean and Professor, University of Southern California School of Social Work
Jeffrey Yarvis
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have produced an unprecedented number of injuries resulting in health and mental health problems. At least 30% of all returning veterans will meet DSM: IV-R criteria for mental health disorders. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are particularly severe. A substantial proportion of returning veterans are "citizen soldiers" who will be discharged with the full expectation of resuming their regular employment. This presentation will focus on the EA professional's role in assessing the problems faced by returning veterans, including undiagnosed PTSD and TBI. EA professionals can facilitate positive reintegration into the workplace.

• identify the health and mental health needs of military veterans and citizen soldiers as they return to the workplace;
• identify supportive measures that EA professionals need to take to assist in the successful reintegration of military veterans into the civilian workforce;
• assess the co-morbidity of PTSD and mild and traumatic brain injury (TBI) and implications for disability accommodation in the workplace.

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