Session Information
CoSN Conference 2011
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Connected Learning Communities (CLC): Learning and Leading in the Digital Age
Track : Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Program Code: 750
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Time: 8:30 AM to 9:20 AM  EST
Location: Grand Salon Section: 16
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Co-Founder & CEO, Powerful Learning Practice, Virginia Beach VA
Will Richardson, Co-Founder, Powerful Learning Practice, Flemington NJ
Hear how a revolution in technology has transformed the way we can find each other; interact and collaborate to create knowledge as connected learners; develop the social fabric, capacity, and connectedness found in communities of practice; and use learning networks. During this session the presenters will explore the question: What should professional development look like in the 21st century? They will also share findings from a recent study of connected educators immersed in an online community that enabled a situated, yet connected experience, and where participants had a common purpose of growing together and improving over time.

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(Code: 750)
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Handout Online
(Code: 750)
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