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A Model Patent Office for the Future — Promoting and Protecting Investments in Innovation
Program Code:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Sherry Knowles, Vice President, Corporate Intellectual Property
Q Todd Dickinson, Executive Director
John Duffy, Professor of Law
Jeff Kushan, Partner
Controversy has been swirling around current legislative and administrative efforts to reform the U.S. patent system. But equally important, and less discussed, is the future of the Patent Offi ce itself. This super session will focus on longer range views of what the model patent office of the future can and should look like to drive innovation and economic growth, and promote investment in IP-intensive industries. The panel will explore these questions from the perspective of large and emerging pharma/biotech and technology companies as customers of the patent system, patent law experts, and the Patent Office to determine if there is a consensus view on the design of a patent system that best maintains our position as the leader in global innovation.