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Australian Biomedical Research in a Transformational Approach to Global Health
Program Code:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Jim Henderson, General Manager, Commercialisation, Life Sciences, NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd
Charles Day, Melbourne Ventures Pty Ltd
Dean Moss, UniQuest Pty Limited
The launch of the vaccines against cervical cancer by Australian CSL Ltd. and its global partner Merck and by GSK, underscore the tremendous potential of Australian biomedical research. Central technology for the vaccine was discovered by Professor Ian Frazer at the University of Queensland and its development incorporated Australia's strengths in virology, vaccines, and cancer. Australian government support has traversed the funding for biomedical research through to support of the vaccine in a national immunization program. The session will outline the successful licensing model that allowed for rapid translation of innovation to clinical application and the valuable partnerships that are transforming a global health issue.