Bob Beall, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Katie Hood, MBA, CEO, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Reseach
Eric Olson, PhD, Vice President, Program and Portfolio Management, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mark Simon, Williver
More and more biotech companies are forming alliances with nonprofit disease foundations — not just as advocates for their products and sources of clinical trials participants, but, at a time of increasing costs and declining success rates for new therapies, as potential research funding partners. How do these deals work? What does each party bring to the table? What results have been achieved? Should venture philanthropy be part of your business development strategy?
• Discuss the need for more creative thinking about and models for financing large, high-risk, long-term investments that could lead to biomedical breakthroughs
• Hear from companies that have made it a priority to form alliances with research-funding foundations
• Learn about different models of nonprofit/for-profit partnership