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From Field to Wheels: What''s Going to Work in Biofuels?
Program Code:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Harrison Dillon, President and Chief Technology Officer, Solazyme
Arnold Klann, Chairman/CEO, BlueFire Ethanol Fuels, Inc
Ari Patrinos, PhD, President, Synthetic Genomics, Inc
Kinkead Reiling, PhD, Co-Founder & Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, Amyris Biotechnologies, Inc
Biogas, bioethanol, biobutanol, biodiesel, algae, straight vegetable oil...the list goes on. The opportunity behind biofuel is simple: cleaner energy production, less atmospheric carbon release, and an alternative to our dependence on fossil fuels. But with so many barriers including cost efficiency, energy efficiency, and basic transportation of liquid fuels, what types of biofuels are worth pursuing and, more importantly, which will work?
• Explore the R&D, commercialization and investment facets of biofuel research and production from the perspective of a diverse group of actors in the biofuel space
• Compare and contrast the benefi ts and pitfalls of disparate research programs
• Examine opportunities and pitfalls in this space