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Anti-Biopiracy Restrictions on Patenting and Use of Genetic Resources
Program Code:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Manisha Desai, PhD, Eli Lilly & Company
Michael Gollin, Venable, LLP
Janna Tom, University of California, Oakland, Office of Technology Transfer
New disclosure of origin (DOO) laws in a growing number of countries require all patent applicants to provide information about how they obtained any genetic resources used in the invention, and negotiations are underway for an international DOO treaty intended to prevent biopiracy. Biotechnology companies face a grave risk if they fail to comply with the new regime of DOO laws. This panel will discuss the history, current requirements, and future of DOO laws, the consequences of non-compliance (including patent invalidity or criminal prosecution), and practical steps to ensure compliance when samples are collected, during invention disclosure, and when patents are filed.
• Learn about a new set of patent laws, unknown to many, to improve international strategic intellectual property management
• Take immediate steps to ensure the ability to patent, use, and license inventions deriving from natural sources
• Become prepared to participate in policy discussions about the proposed international DOO legal regime