Session Information
2009 BIO International Convention
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BioMS/Eli Lilly - Dissecting a Billion Dollar Collaboration
Track : Technology Transfer/Licensing
Program Code: 3272
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009
Time: 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM  EST
Location: B316
Kevin Giese, President & CEO, BioMS Medical Corporation
Nitin Kaushal, Director, Healthcare Investment Banking, Desjardins Securities
Cheryl Reicin, Esq, Torys LLP
Jack Tupman, Senior Director, Corporate Business Development, Eli Lilly & Company
Jeremy Webster, Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Detailed analysis of the structure of the BioMS/Lilly Deal; how a company based in a remote city in North Canada can achieve the largest cross border licensing deal; how the relationship has played out; how human relationships were the glue that got the deal done.

• How best to source a large deal
• How best to negotiate the deal terms and creative work-arounds for tricky issues, including cross border issues
• How best to implement the deal and overcoming unforseen obstacles

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(Code: 3272)
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