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Business Model Conundrum: Focus on One Single Therapeutic Area, or Multiple Areas?
Program Code:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Julie Cherrington, Ph.D., PhD, Phenomix Corporation
John Crowley, MBA, JD, Amicus Therapeutics, Inc
John Krayacich, President and CEO, Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Charles White, PhD, Nereus Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Biotech executives building their company pipelines inevitably face the question of whether to diversify their development programs to address more than one therapeutic area. What does success look like if a company is no longer focused or "a cancer company," but instead tackles a variety of perhaps disparate therapeutic areas that lack R&D or market synergies? At this critical decision-making juncture, a wide variety of issues must be addressed. This session will present viewpoints from the R&D and commercial perspectives and address several questions related to this oft-experienced conundrum.
• Share the experiences of executives who have pursued single or multiple therapeutic areas
• Debate how pipeline diversity is perceived by investors and the pharmaceutical industry
• Explore the range of questions executives must ask themselves before they expand their pipelines into dissimilar therapeutic areas