Session Information
2009 BIO International Convention
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Diagnostics: When Disease Information Enables Treatment Decisions
Track : Devices and Predictive Diagnostics
Program Code: 3176
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM  EST
Location: B406
Michael Bristow
Trisha Brown, VP, Clinical, DNA Direct, Inc
David Levison, Cardio Dx, Inc
James O'Leary
Kim Popovits, Genomic Health, Inc
As the nascent field of genomics has rapidly begun to expand, diagnostic testing options often have progressed ahead of accompanying treatment options. Individuals may now access testing for individual risk factors associated with breast cancer, Alzheimer's disease and heart disease, but physicians may not have treatments or preventive regimens that tie in to patients' results. Other emerging diagnostic tools may disrupt established standards of care. Because they will affect treatment so profoundly, these diagnostics may be more appealing to patients than to physicians. At a time when individuals are taking increasing control of their own health care, how can they and their physicians determine the most appropriate,
clinically useful testing options?

• Discuss how diagnostic testing is impacting treatment decisions now, and potential areas of paradigm shift in care in the future
• Gain perspective from industry, physicians and advocates on the promise and peril of this emerging field
• Understand the nuances among different types of tests, and discuss appropriate ways to assess relevance and clinical utility of available testing options

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(Code: 3176)
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