2009 BIO International Convention
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Protecting Human Research Subjects: What is Industry's Role? How Are We Doing?
Program Code:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Gary Cohen, JD, MPH
Susan Fish, PharmD, MPH, Boston University
Lindsay McNair, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
While there are many organizations (including Ethics Committees and Institutional Review Boards) involved in the protection of human research subjects, the sponsors of clinical research studies also have a role and an obligation to participate in the protection of study participants. Relationships between these oversight committees and the biotech/ pharma industry have often been difficult, as there is little understanding or education about drug development in the IRB community, and little education about human subject protection in the biotech/pharma industry.The sponsors of research also have a role to play in the protection of human subjects, and this session is intended to explore and expand that role.
• Educate BIO members about the history, ethics and regulations of human subject protection
• Engage BIO members in discussion about the role of industry sponsors of research in subject protection efforts
• Propose concrete and realistic ideas for improving relationships between IRBs and industry research sponsors