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Neurogenesis: Enhancing Brain Cell Growth for the Treatment of Depression
Program Code:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Carrolee Barlow, PhD, MD, BrainCells, Inc
Amelia Eisch, PhD, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Rene Hen, PhD, Columbia University
Helen Mayberg, MD, FRCP(C), Emory University
Depression affects approximately 15 million Americans in addition to millions more across the globe, but there remains a lack of effective treatments. Until recently, it was believed that humans did not produce new brain cells, but the discovery of neurogenesis in 1998 sparked a new wave of scientific research. Although clinical stage research is still in its infancy, drugs that enhance neurogenesis have the potential to completely change the way drugs are developed to treat depression and other CNS diseases. This distinguished panel will delve more deeply into this exciting science, how it's being studied currently, its potential and how the professional community is reacting.
• Relay the excitement of this relatively new discovery
• Discuss how scientists and companies are leveraging the discovery clinically
• Communicate the potential future for neurogenesis in the treatment of depression and other CNS diseases