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The 111th Congress: What's Happened and What's to Come in its 1st Session
Program Code:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Bruce Artim, Director, Federal Affairs, Former Chief Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee, Eli Lilly & Company
Brent Del Monte, Vice President, Federal Goverment Relations , Biotechnology Industry Organization
Kay Holcombe, VP, Government Affairs , Genzyme Corporation
David Nichols, Director, Federal Gov't Relations, EMD Serono, Inc
Barrett Thornhill, Foley Hoag, LLP
The first year of a new Administration is a critical time; the new President generally has the momentum and favorability to drive policy forward, and Congress is more accommodating than usual. This session will review the past six months of legislative and regulatory initiatives and examine what the next six months will hold for stakeholders in the biotechnology arena.
• Examine recently enacted federal legislation and new agency regulation
• Analyze pending and expected federal initiatives
• Forecast the next six and eighteen months and consider the impact on the industry