2009 BIO International Convention
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Hype or Hope: The Real Prospects for Success in Cleantech
Industrial and Environmental
Program Code:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Doug Berven, Poet, LLC
Chris Boalch, PhD, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise
John Clerici, McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP
Jonathan Fahey, Forbes
Elspeth MacRae, Scion
Biotechnology offers considerable opportunities for creating new processes, products, energy sources and performance effi ciencies while reducing costs, energy consumption, waste or pollution — or so say the proponents of cleantech. But is cleantech truly viable for the long term and capable of transforming current processes and industries into truly sustainable ones? Or is it just the next investment fad? And what is the appropriate role of government in promoting and fostering these technologies — which if indeed successful could provide enormous benefits worldwide? This panel will take a close look at the promise — and issues — surrounding cleantech and the push towards sustainability.
• Show how cleantech is grappling with the implications of being a hot investment fad
• Explain how government involvement can help or hurt this emerging industry
• Describe technologies and business models that offer the best chances of economic success