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For Better or Worse, For Richer or Poorer: Partners Who Will Go The Distance
Program Code:
Monday, May 18, 2009
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Gary Clements, Sr Director of Business Development, Shire HGT
Jennifer Gordon, PhD, Esq, Baker Botts, LLP
Pierre Gosselin, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Jeremy Levin, DPhil, BChir, MB, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Wendy Perrow, Alba Therapeutics Corporation
Doug Williams, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, ZymoGenetics, Inc
Identifying attractive partners and determining what makes them attractive for a successful relationship is a daunting task. Both sides need to understand the expectations for themselves and for their partner to make the partnership succeed, including what defi nes "success." But that's not all. Changes in technology, medicine, areas of focus and organization of the partners may further disrupt the partnership. Representatives from both sides of a pair of Biotech/Pharma partnerships will outline various metrics and standards that companies on both sides of the table can use to identify partners that are best suited for a relationship that will go the distance.
• Highlight the attributes companies at various stages fi nd particularly appealing in potential partners
• Explain strategies and metrics for spotting attractive attributes in potential partners
• Explain how to foster attractive attributes in your own company and how to communicate those to potential partners