Natalie Dakers, CEO , Centre for Drug Research and Development
Katherine Gordon, Director of Business Development , Harvard Medical School
Reid Leonard, Senior Director, Licensing and External Research , Merck & Co, Inc
Daria Mochly-Rosen, Senior Associate Dean for Research in the School of Medicine , Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing
"Changes in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries coupled with pressures on traditional research funding present a perfect storm for creating innovative university technology transfer activities. Here we'll explore four distinctive models of university-led initiatives to advance therapeutic discoveries to the clinic and hear an industry response to each. These programs span the spectrum from aligning researchers with industrial collaborators to advancing technologies through preclinical studies to creating hatcheries for new start-up activity. What they share is a commitment to a new way of positioning the research university in the discovery and development process."
Objective1:Present an overview of innovative programs under way at U.S. and Canadian universities.
Objective2:Hear the perspective of a leading industry representative on new approaches to tech transfer.
Objective3:Discuss next steps for confronting the challenges in moving promising therapeutic discoveries from the academic sector to the marketplace.