Lily Chan, PhD, General Manager , Singapore Economic Development Board
Patrick Jones, AUTM Past President , Engineering Research Services, Arizona State University
Jan Lundberg, Executive VP, Discovery Research , AstraZeneca, Plc
Gregory Wiederrecht, Executive Director & Head, External Scientific A , Merck & Co, Inc
The origins of biotechnology are rooted in academic research. The process of technology transfer and its evolution represents the ability of enlightened minds to work cooperatively to spin out novel technologies into start-up companies. Longterm strategic collaborations between industry and leading universities are a critical component of R&D.
Objective1:Update life science executives on the evolving sophistication of industry and academic collaboration with basics of technology transfer.
Objective2:Share ideas on best practices and pitfalls of industryacademic relations: what works and what to avoid.
Objective3:Highlight the growth in technology commercialization through examples of pharma and biotech collaboration.