Leonie Hunt, MBA, MBBS, Director Drug Safety and Evaluation Branch , Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Stewart Jessamine, Medsafe, the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority
Chih-Hwa Wallace Lin,
PhD, Director, Division of Resource Development,
Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan
Wallace is Director for Resource Development of CDE. He was Advisor for MOEA, President of SyNovate, Associate Professor in National Chao-Tune Univ. He has worked in Carnegie-Mellon Univ. and in Medical School of Univ. of Pittsburgh after earned Ph.D. from Carnegie-Mellon Univ., in Pittsburgh, PA.
Takahisa Murakami, BA, Associate Executive Director Center for Product Evaluation, PMDA, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
This session will address how the regulatory agencies in Korea, Taiwan and Japan have responded to the biopharmaceutical industry's interest in expanding the number of clinical trials in the Asia-Pacific region and how these changes are viewed by other agencies such as the Australian TGA. In addition, the panel will discuss the regulators' point of view regarding the acceptability of foreign clinical data from trials involving biotech compounds.
Objective1:"Discuss the current regulatory approval processes and relevant issues concerning the conduct of clinical trials and the NDA approval process with a focus on biotech compounds."
Objective2:Discuss the acceptability of foreign clinical data by Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean regulators.
Objective3:Compare and contrast the regulatory developments in Japan, Korea and Taiwan with those of the FDA , the EMEA and the Australian TGA for biotech compounds.