Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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The Latest News From the JPO, EPO, SIPO & USPTO!
Track : Intellectual Property/Legal
Program Code: 1342
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Time: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM  EST
Location: 30C
Thomas Kowalski, Esq, Partner , Frommer, Lawrence & Haug, LLP
George Elliott, PhD, Group Director, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
Yoshihiro Fuji, PhD, Director of Protein Engineering Sub-Division, Japan Patent Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Reinhard Hermann, PhD, Director Biotechnology , European Patent Office
Aiqun Pan, PhD, Director of Genetic Engineering Division of Pharmaceutical Invention Examination Department, State Intellectual Propery Office, The People's Rpublic of China
Takayuki Yamanaka, PhD, Assistant Director, Examination Standards Office, Japan Patent Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
"Biotech companies and universities face challenges from the ever-evolving legal and procedural environment of the major patent offices, variations among the laws and regulations of each, and the availability of post-grant validity challenging procedures and the need to defend against such challenges, especially in view of the beefed-up re-examination in the United States and the proposal to have oppositions in the United States. To help navigate this maze, representatives from the JPO, EPO and USPTO will address common issues and present updates on the law and rules of Japan, Europe, China and the United States, especially post-grant validity challenging procedures, including re-examination, oppositions and invalidation trials. A Q&A will be included."

Objective1:Promote harmonization in the understanding of patent law.

Objective2:Provide a forum for discussion on intellectual property issues.

Objective3:Provide a forum to interface with the major patent offices.

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(Code: 1342)
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