Lynn Levine, Esq, Director, Office of Unfair Import Investigations , US International Trade Commission
Ruixue Ran, Partner , East Associates, Beijing
Tom Schaumberg, Partner , Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg, LLP
"A case study of an International Trade Commission Section 337 investigation will be presented. The session will provide a comprehensive overview of fast-paced 337 proceedings before the ITC, as well as the unique rules applicable to these investigations. Session participants will hear directly from experienced 337 litigation counsel from the United States and China. A hypothetical case study will walk session participants through a biotechnology-related proceeding, from the filing of the complaint to final adjudication."
Objective1:Outline how to develop effective Section 337 investigation strategies.
Objective2:"Discuss ITC versus district court; how the commission determines whether an investigation should be commenced; how to file a complaint; temporary relief; accelerated discovery; the role of expert witnesses; and postdetermination proceedings."
Objective3:Outline the 10 most common pitfalls in fast-track litigation and how to avoid them.