2008 BIO International Convention
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Algal Biomass: More than an Energy Source, but a Petroleum Alternative?
Industrial and Environmental
Program Code:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
10:15 AM to 11:45 AM
Driven by increasing global fuel demand and government biofuel support, high petroleum and agricultural commodity prices, and environmental and global warming concerns, the search is on for more efficient, sustainable biomass feedstocks. The most promising: algae. 10 to 100 times more productive than current biomass crops, it can be harvested daily to satisfy continuous demand and it grows on marginal land and in brackish and sea water. Further, algae can serve as a feedstock for a variety of petroleum-based and petroleumderived products. It's not biofuel, it's biocrude. Join experts as they explain why pond scum has caught the eye of venture capitalists, national labs, leading entrepreneurs, chemistry giants and Big Oil alike.
Objective1:Understand the full opportunity and scope of algae as a biomass feedstock.
Objective2:Explore the challenges and opportunities in producing algal biomass at competitive scales and costs.
Objective3:Examine the versatility of algae and the potential to develop ethanol, biodiesel, bio-butanol, jet fuel, bio-plastics, bioglycerine and more.